Hi, I'm Jen!

If you see me around town, I'm likely the mom who looks a tiny bit out of place in ripped jeans or leggings and a kickboxing hoodie. Sometimes my hair is pink and I'm almost always wearing Chucks. I have a bit of a Converse obsession.

When I don't have a camera strapped to my hand, I'm probably strapping on my boxing gloves for some kickboxing therapy. I'm passionate about music, food, art, and dogs. And, I'm always dreaming of a trip to the beach.

Practice Makes Art

Much like yoga, I approach photography as a practice. Each time I pick up my camera, I am practicing. Beyond the mechanics of photography, I am constantly learning to observe and interpret the world around me into visual art. It's not about perfection, but instead about enjoying the journey and continuing to learn.

Creative Authenticity

As a photographer, I'm always trying to get to the essence of my subject. I'm creating art from everyday moments and ordinary objects around me. I'm making visual observations and adding a piece of myself. Whether I am shooting for myself or for a client, I am finding new ways to authentically capture the beauty and art in everything I see.

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

Elliott Erwitt

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